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Categories : Banknoty / Papiergeld / Paper money > Banknoty świata alfabetycznie / Paper money: Worldwide > Uganda
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Items for sale from TomBanknoter



Uganda - 1000 Shillings 2021 * P49f * B154f * antylopy * antelopes on back * nowa data

Bank of Uganda. 1000 szylingów aktualnej emisji. Na awersie krajobraz, na rewersie antylopy. 1000 shillings of new edition. Back: antelopes. New date / nowa data: 2021

$ 0.78
Sold: 8 Available:  4

Uganda - 2000 Shillings 2021 * P50f * B155f * ryby * fishes on back * nowa data

Bank of Uganda. 2000 szylingów atualnej emisji. Na awersie krajobraz, na rewersie ryby. 2000 shillings of new edition. Back: fishes. New date / nowa data 2021

$ 1.34
Sold: 4 Available:  4

Uganda - 5000 Shillings 2019 * P51f * B156f * ptaki / birds on back

Bank of Uganda. 5000 szylingów aktualnej emisji. Na awersie krajobraz, na rewersie ptaki. 5000 shillings of new edition. Back: birds. New date / nowa data 2019

$ 3.34
Sold: 2 Available:  4
Items: 3   Pages: 1 (50 items per page)   
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